A5 D5 G5 F#5 D5 A5 D5
G5 A5 D5
[Verse 1]
A5If I could,D5 I'd G5be your little F#5spoon
And A5kiss your finD5gers forG5evermore F#5
A5But, big spoon,D5 you G5have so much to F#5do
And D5I have noA5thingD5 aG5head A5of D5 me A5 D5 A5
[Verse 2]
D5 A5 You're the sun,D5 you've G5never seen the F#5night But you A5
hear its songD5 from the G5morning birds
F#5 Well I'mA5 not the moon,D5 I'm G5not even a F#5star
But aD5wake at nightG5 I'll be A5singing to theD5 birds
G5 Don'tA5 waitB5 forF#5 me,G5 IA5 can't come D5
D5Your mother G5wouldn't approveA5 Of how my mo B5
ther raised meD5 But I do, G5
Oh I thinkA5 I do
And D5you're an all AG5merican boyA5 I guess I could B5
n't help tryingD5 To be G5
your best AmeA5rican girl D5 A5 D5 A5
D5 F#5 G5
[Verse 3]
G5 A5 You're the one D5
You're G5all I ever F#5wanted
I think D5I'll regretA5 this
D5 G5 A5 B5 D5 G5 A5
G5Your mother A5wouldn't approveB5 Of how my mo F#5
ther raised meG5 But I do, D5
Oh I fiA5nally do
And G5you're an all AA5merican boyB5 I guess I could F#5
n't help tryingG5 To be D5
your best AmeA5rican girl D5
D5Your mother G5wouldn't approve A5
Of how my B5mother raised me
D5 But I do,G5 I thinkA5 I do D5
G5 D5 B5 F#5 G5 A5 D5