[Verse 1]
D Today, I will D/C#wear my whiteD/B buttondown D/A#
GI'm tired of wantingD more
G I think I'm finally Dworn
For you have a wayD/C# of proD/Bmising things D/A#
And I'veG been a forest Dfire
IG am a forest fire D
And IG am the fire, and ID am the forest
And ID/A# am a witness watD/Bching it
G I stand in a valley Dwatching it
GAnd you are not there at all D
[Verse 2]
G D SoD today, I will D/C#wear my D/Bwhite buttondown D/A#
GI can at least Dbe neat
Walk Gout and be seen as Dclean
And I'llG go to work, and I'llD go to sleep
And I'llD/A# love the littler D/Bthings
I'llG love some littler things D