Dm F C G Dm F C G Dm F C G Dm F C G
Dm F C G Bb C Dm F C G G
Dm F C G Bb C Dm F C G
[Verse 1]
DmI, I'm driving black on black
Just got my license Gback
I got this feeling in my Cveins this train is coming off the Dmtrack
I'll ask polite if the devil needs a Gride
Because the angel on my Cright ain't hanging out with me toDmnight
I'm driving past your house while you were sneaking Gout
I got the car door opened Cup so you can jump in on the Dmrun
Your mom don't know that you were missing
She'd be Gpissed if she could see the parts of Cyou that I've been kissing
DmNo, Fwe're neCver gonGna quit
BbAin't noCthing wrong Dmwith it
Just FacCting like Gwe're animals Bb C Dm
No, Fno matCter where Gwe go
Bb'Cause eCveryboDmdy knows
We're Fjust Ca couGple animals Bb C Dm
F C G G So come on baby, get in Dm F C G
Get in, just get in Dm F C G
Check out the trouble we're in Dm F C G
[Verse 2]
DmYou're beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my Gknees
And you control how fast we Cgo by just how hard you wanna Dmsqueeze
It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my Gear
But I got both hands on the Cwheel while you got both hands on my Dmgears
By now, no doubt that we were heading Gsouth
I guess nobody ever Ctaught her not to speak with a full Dmmouth
'Cause this was it, like flicking on a Gswitch
It felt so good I almost Cdrove into the ditch
I'm screamin'
DmNo, Fwe're neCver gonGna quit
BbAin't noCthing wrong Dmwith it
Just FacCting like Gwe're animals Bb C Dm
No, Fno matCter where Gwe go
Bb'Cause eCveryboDmdy knows
We're Fjust Ca couGple animals Bb C Dm
F C G G So come on baby, get in Dm F C G
Get in, just get in Dm F C G
Check out the trouble we're in Dm F C G
[Verse 3]
DmWe were parked out by the tracks
We're sitting in the Gback
And we just started getting Cbusy
When she whispered "what was Dmthat?"
The wind, I think 'cause no one else knows where we Gare
And that was when she started Cscreamin'
"That's my dad outside the Dmcar!"
Oh please, the keys, they're not in the igGnition
Must have wound up on the Cfloor while
We were switching our poDmsitions
I guess they knew that she was missing
As I Gtried to tell her dad it was her Cmouth that I was kissing
DmNo, Fwe're neCver gonGna quit
BbAin't noCthing wrong Dmwith it
Just FacCting like Gwe're animals Bb C Dm
No, Fno matCter where Gwe go
Bb'Cause eCveryboDmdy knows
We're Fjust Ca couGple animals Bb C Dm
F C G So come Bbon baCby, get Dmin F C G
Get Bbin, Cjust get Dmin F C G
Check out Bbthe trouCble we're Dmin F C G
Get Bbin, Cjust get Dmin