C G Am F C G
C Csus2/B Am F G
[Verse 1]
There's a Cvoice that pulls me stumGbling through a symAmphony
And the Fless of it I Cneed, the more I Gget
'Til I'm Cswept up by the shapeCsus2/B of all the cenAmturies
Like an Fecho in the Gchambers of my Cchest
I think she Cfears I'll be a serGvant to my hisAmtory
Or worse, a Fslave to someone Celse's misplaced Gdoubts
So I Ctry too hard to killCsus2/B what's out to killAm me
'Til I'm Fblind and hiding Gin the lion's Cmouth
And the Fsus2words she aches to hear pour through my Ccanyon
And they're Fsus2singing in the caverns of myG limbs
And though I Cdo my best to Csus2/Btry to underAmstand them
They only Ffollow me like Gvultures in the Cend
C G Am F C G
C Csus2/B Am F G C
[Verse 2]
I once Cread that I should writeG something worth readAming
Or I Fshould do something Cworth writing aGbout
And as my Cears they buzz like beesCsus2/B upon the ceiAmling
I start to Fpour a little Gmore than I'm alClowed
I said our Chearts know deeper seaGsons than our meAmmories
She said "this Fharvest might susCtain us for a Gyear"
And of Call the thousand waysCsus2/B the world could temptAm me
I've never Fmet a better Gfighter than her Cfear
So as I Fsus2try to breathe the air that she is Cbreathing
And we Fsus2dance a lightless dance upon myG floor
I am Cburning to tell Csus2/Bher she's all i'm Amneeding
But i'm drowned Fout by all the Gnoise outside the Cdoor
[Verse 3]
CCarried by the curGrent of the morAmning
FMiles below the Csurface of the Gdawn
CThis is not the placeCsus2/B that I was bornAm in
But it doesn't Fmean it's not the Gplace where I beClong F C