[Verse 1]
They Apaved paradise
And put up a parking Elot
With a pinkA hotel, a boutique
And a Eswinging hotspot
EDon't it always Badd11/Eseem to go
EThat you don't know what you've got til its gone
They Apaved paradise E
And Bput up a parking Elot
[Verse 2]
They Atook all the trees
And put 'em in a tree muEseum
And they Acharged the peopleE A Bdollar and a half ju st E
to seem 'em
EDon't it always Badd11/Eseem to go,
EThat you don't know what you've got
Til its gone
They Apaved paradise E
And Bput up a parking Elot
[Verse 3]
AHey farmer farmer
Put away the DDET now
Give me Aspots on applesE And Bleave me the birds and the bees E
Don'tE it always Badd11/Eseem to go,
EThat you don't know what you've got
Til its gone
They Apaved paradise E
And Bput up a parking Elot
[Verse 4]
ALate last night
I heard the screen door Eslam A E B
And Ea big yellow taxi
Took away my old men E Badd11/E E
Don't it always seem to go,
That you Adon't know what Eyou've got B
Til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot E
I sayed
Don't Badd11/Eit always Eseem to go,
That you don't know what you've got
Til Aits gone They paved E
And put up Ea parking Alot They paved E
And put up Ea parking Alot They paved E
And put Eup a