D#5This E5is F#5our D#5partE5y, F#5 wD#5e pE5ick D#5the E5record
D#5We E5set F#5the D#5dressE5code F#5
D#5We E5set D#5the E5dresscode
D#5And E5make D#5love E5on the D#5dance floor
D#5 Like it or not, we're the B5only C#5game in D#5town
Like it or not, we're the B5only C#5game
D#5 Like it or not, we're the B5only C#5game in D#5town
Like it or not, we're the B5only C#5game D#5in town
We're the B5only C#5game in D#5town
We're the B5only C#5game D#5in town