CmLife's alright Gmin Abdevil Ebtown
They're Bbright, no one's gonFmna Abcatch us Bnow
CmDad has bought Gma Abnew car Ebnow
We're Bbfine, no one's gonFmna Abcatch us Bnow, yeah
Cm Gm Ab Eb
Bb Fm Ab B
Cm Gm Ab Eb
Bb Fm Ab B
[Verse 1]
CmYou said someGmthing Abdumb aEbgain
She's Bbmad, at least that'sFm Abwhat they Bsay
CmMum and dadGmdy Abaren't in Eblove
That's Bbfine, I'll settle forFm Abtwo birthBdays
Cm Devil town is coldAber in the summertime
Eb I'll lose my mind Bbat least another thouCmsand times
HoldAb my hand tight,Eb we'll make it anothBber night
Cm I still get a little scaredAb of something new
Eb But I feel a little safBber when I'm withCm you
FallAbing doesn't Ebfeel so bad when I know Bbyou've fallen this way Cmtoo
[Verse 2]
We're all Gmdead in Abdevil Ebtown
That's Bbfine, cause nothing's gonFmna Abscare us Bnow
CmWe're all in Gmour Abdressing Ebgowns, mine's Bbwhite
And stripy yours Fmis Abgreen and Bbrown
CmI forgot Gmmy Abname aEbgain
I Bbthink that's something worth FmremAbemberBing
CmSpiders in Gmyour Abfavourite Ebshoes
Just Bbleave them be cause they're Fmmore Abscared of Byou
Cm Devil town is coldAber in the summertime
Eb I'll lose my mind Bbat least another thouCmsand times
HoldAb my hand tight,Eb we'll make it anothBber night
Cm I still get a little scaredAb of something new
Eb But I feel a little safBber when I'm withCm you
FallAbing doesn't Ebfeel so bad when I know Bbyou've fallen this way Cmtoo
Ab Eb Bb Cm
Ab Eb Bb
Cm Ab Eb Bb
Cm Ab Eb Bb
Cm Devil town is coldAber in the summertime
Eb I'll lose my mind Bbat least another thouCmsand times
HoldAb my hand tight,Eb we'll make it anothBber night
Cm I still get a little scaredAb of something new
Eb But I feel a little safBber when I'm withCm you
FallAbing doesn't Ebfeel so bad when I know Bbyou've fallen this way Ebtoo