[Verse 1]
I never G5thought about the C5universe, it G5made me feel E5small
Never A5thought about the problems of this C5planet at D5all
G5Global C5warming, G5radio-active E5sites
ImA5perialistic wrongs and C5animal D5rights! No!
G5 C5 G5 E5 A5 C5 G/B
G5 C5 G5 E5 A5 C5 G/B
[Verse 2]
G5Why think of all C5the bad things G5when life is so E5good?
A5Why help with an 'am' when there's C5always a D5'could'?
G5Let the whales C5worry about the G5poisons in the E5sea
OutA5side of California, it's C5foreign poliD5cy
I G5don't want changes, I F#aughave no reactions
E5Your dilemmas are C5my diD5stractions
G5That's no way to D5go, FranE5co Un-AC5merican
G5 No way to D5go, FranE5co Un-AC5merican
G5 No way to D5go, FranE5co Un-AC5merican
G5 No way to D5go, FranE5co, Franco Un-American G5 C5
G5 E5 A5 C5 G/B G5 C5
G5 E5 A5
[Verse 3]
C5 G/B I G5never looked aC5round, G5never second-E5guessed
Then I A5read some Howard Zinn now I'm C5always depD5ressed
And G5now I can't C5sleep from G5years of apaE5thy
A5All because I read a little C5Noam ChomD5sky
[Verse 4]
I'm G5eating vegeC5tation, 'cause of G5Fast Food E5Nation
I'm A5wearing uncomfortable shoes 'cause C5of globaliD5zation
I'm G5watching Michael C5Moore exG5pose the awful E5truth
I'm A5listening to Public EneC5my and Reagan D5Youth
I see G5no world C5peace 'cause of G5zealous arE5med forces
I eat A5no breath-mints 'cause they're C5from de-hoofed D5horses
G5Now I can't beC5lieve; what an G5absolute E5failure
The A5president's laughing 'cause we C5voted for D5Nader G5
G5That's no way to go, FranF#augco Un-American
E5 No way to go, FranD5co Un-American
G5 No way to go, FranF#augco Un-American
E5 Where can we go, FranD5co Un-American
I G5want to move D5north and E5be a CaC5nadian
Or hang G5down low D5with the nice E5AustraC5lians
I don't G5want to be aD5nother "I-don't-E5care"-iC5can
What G5are we gonna D5do FranE5co, Franco Un-American