Bm A E F#m G D E
Bm A E F#m
[Verse 1]
Bm Come and I'll takeD you under
Bm This beautiful bruDise's colors
Bm everything faAdes in time it's true
E Bm wish that I hadD another
Bm stab at the unDdercover
Bm was it a chaAnge in mind for you E F#m
G it's impossible
D I can't let it oGut
you'll never know
D am I selling you oGut
sit and watch
D your every Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B F D
[Verse 2]
Bm your eyes still reDmind me of
Bm angels that hoDver above
Bm eyes that can chaAnge from blind to blue E F#m
G it's impossible
D I can't let it oGut
you'll never know
D am I selling you oGut
sit and watch
D your every Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B
F D Cmood E
Bm A E F#m Bm A E F#m
Bm A E F#m G D G D
G F#m
[Verse 3]
Bm now that I've foDund my reward
Bm I'd throw it awayD long before
Bm I'd share a pieceA of mine with you E F#m
G it's impossible
D I can't let it oGut
you'll never know
D am I selling you oGut
sit and watch
D your every Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B
F D Cmood C/B F D