[Verse 1]
EElope with me Miss Private and we'll Asail around the Eworld
F#mI will be your Ferdinand and C#myou my wayward girl
How F#mmany nights of talking in hoBtel rooms can you take?
How F#mmany nights of limping round on Bpagan holidays?
Oh eloApe with me in private and we'll C#mset something ablaze
A F#mtrail for the Bdevil to eraC#mse
[Verse 2]
ESan Francisco's calling us, the AGiants and Mets will Eplay
PiF#mazza, New York catcher, are you C#mstraight or are you gay?
We F#mhung about the stadium, we've Bgot no place to stay
We F#mhung about the Tenderloin and Btenderly you tell
About the Asaddest book you ever read, it C#malways makes you cry
The F#mstatue's crying Btoo and well he may C#m
[Verse 3]
I Elove you I've a drowning grip on Ayour adoring Eface
I F#mlove you, my responsibilityC#m has found a place beF#mside you
And strong warnings in the guiBse of gentle words
Come F#mwave upon me from the family Bwider net absurd
"You'll take Acare of her, I know it, you will C#mdo a better job"
F#mMaybe, but Bnot what she deserC#mves
[Verse 4]
EElope with me Miss Private and we'll Adrink ourselves awake E
We'll F#mtaste the coffee houses and aC#mward certificates
A F#mprivy seal to keep the feel of Bnineteen sixty style
We'll F#mcomment on the decor and we'll Bhelp the passer by
And at Adusk when work is over we'll conC#mtinue the debate
In a F#mborrowed bedroom Bvirginal and C#mspare
[Verse 5]
The Ecatcher hits for three eighteen and Acatches every day E
The F#mpitcher puts religion first and C#mrests on holidays
He F#mgoes into cathedrals and lies Bprostrate on the floor
He F#mknows the drink affects his speed he's Bpraying for a doorway
Back inAto the life he wants and the conC#mfession of the bench
F#mLife outside the diaBmond is a C#mwrench
[Verse 6]
I Ewish that you were here with me to paAss the dull weekend E
I F#mknow it wouldn't come to love, my C#mheroine pretend
A F#mlady stepping from the songs we Blove until this day
You'd F#msettle for an epitaph like B"Walk Away, Renee"
The sun upoAn the roof in winter will draw C#myou out like a flower
F#mMeet you at the Bstatue in an houC#mr
F#mMeet you at the Bstatue in an C#mhour