D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5
D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5
D5 G5 A5
G5 A5 Ska D5sucks.
[Verse 1]
Ska reG5vival isn't A5cool you stupidD5 fuck.
The G5bands are only A5in it for the D5bucks.
And G5if you don't beliA5eve me you're D5schmuck.
But the G5trend will die A5out with any D5luck.
Yo ho. G5 A5 D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5
G5 A5 D5 G5 A5 D5
G5 A5 D5
G5 A5 RuD5dy,
A G5message to A5you RuD5dy,
A G5message to A5you RuD5dy,
A G5message to A5you RuD5dy.
G5Fuck you A5Rudy!
D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5
D5 G5 A5 D5
G5 A5 Ska D5sucks
[Verse 2]
Ska reG5vival isn't coolA5 you stupidD5 fuck.
The G5bands are only A5in it for theD5 bucks.
And G5if you don't A5believe me you're D5schmuck.
But the G5trend will die A5out with any D5luck. G5
D5 G5 A5 D5 G5 A5