[Cadd9] Bb6 [Cadd9]
Bb6 F
[Verse 1]
CIf I could make a wish
E I think I'd pass
F Can't think of aFmnything I need C
CNo cigarettes, no sleep, no light,E no sound
F Nothing to eat,Fm no books toC read
EmMaking love with you
Has left me peaceFmful, warm, andC tired
EmWhat more could I ask
There's nothFming left to be desCired
[Verse 2]
CPeace came upon me and it leavesE me weak
F So sleep, silent Fmangel, go to Csleep
CSometimes, all I need is the airG that I breathe
And to Clove you
All I need is the airG that I breathe
Yes to Clove you
All I need is the airG that I breathe Gm
FPeaceC Gcame Gm F C G
[Verse 3]
Cupon me and it leavesE me weak
So sleep, siFlent angel, go Fmto sleep
Sometimes, C
Call I need is the air that I Gbreathe
And to love you
CAll I need is the air that I Gbreathe
Yes to love you
CAll I need is the air that I Gbreathe
Gm Fall CI Gneed Cis the air that I breathe
And Gto love you
All I need Cis the air that I breathe
Yes Gto love you
[Outro (Fade out)]
All I need Cis the air that I breathe
Yes Gto love you
All I need Cis the air that I breathe
Yes Gto love you