E5 D#5 E5 D#5
E5 D#5
E5 D#5 On the E5day of my D#5final sacriE5fice D#5
E5The chilling D#5steel open my E5veins D#5
E5Blood stainesD#5 my E5skin D#5
E5Silver chalice D#5must be E5filled D#5
[Verse 1]
B5Drinking poisoned blood
I enter my shadowed coffin
Two goathorns in my hands
raise and close my eyes
To receive the infernal hails
From my brother in land of G5damned A5
E5 D#5 E5 D#5 E5 D#5
E5 D#5 The E5howling wind blows D#5in the naked E5trees D#5
E5Moonlith fields are D#5glowing in the E5dark D#5
E5Below me, the D#5path to the E5cemetery D#5
E5Where my spiD#5ritual brothers take E5me D#5
[Verse 3]
They B5halt the shadows of oak
My nocturnal funeral commence
Lying in blasphemous sleep
I am lowered down to the pit G5
[Verse 5]
A5 A E5raven Ab5sings my Ab5last G5song As F5
the E5wolves Ab5howl their Ab5goodbyes G5 F5
The E5funeral Ab5moon glows Ab5strongG5ly now F5
E5I am Ab5nearly Ab5there G5 F5
E5 C#5 C5 A#5 E5 C#5 C5 A#5
E5 C#5 C5 A#5 E5 C#5 C5 A#5
E5 F5 E5 G5 E5 F5 E5 F5
E5 F5 E5 G5 E5 F5 E5 F5
E5 F5 E5 G5 E5 F5 E5 F5
E5 F5 E5 G5 E5 F5 E5 F5
E5 D#5 E5 D#5 E5 D#5
E5 D#5 This E5night of the D#5late ocE5tober D#5
E5Darkside D#5open it's E5gate D#5
E5Morbid D#5souls E5wait for D#5me
E5For saD#5tanic conE5spiracy D#5
[Verse 6]
B5Flowers of doom
Rising in bloom
You will see
Our immortality! G5
[Verse 7]
A5 G5 F#5 A#5
F5 F#5 D5 F5
F#5 D5 F5 F#5
D5 E5 E5