Am D
[Verse 1]
AmWe can Clock away Dthe badG memories Amtogether C
D E AmClose the Cdoors to the DpastG forAmever C
D E F Watching you GtouchF we're Gpast this much
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDight E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght
[Verse 2]
AmI can't Calways reDmemberG what I Amsay C
D E AmI can't Calways takeD it Ghaving to paAmy C
D E F Watching you Gwalk
F You know you're Greally attractive
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDight E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
[Solo 1]
Dm E Dm E
F# Bm G# C#m
[Verse 3]
AmI know Cit's hardD when youG have crAmied C
D E AmWhen the Cconversation's tear DupG you Amhave tied C
D E F Making out you Gstill don't know
F All I have is alcohol Gso let me go
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDight E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
[Solo 2]
Dm E Dm E I'm aAmlone with Cyou
D E I'm aAmlone with Cyou
D E I'm aAmlone with Cyou
D E I'm aAmlone with Cyou
D E I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDight E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou toniDght E
I'm aAmlone with Cyou tonight D E
[Solo 3]
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am C D E
Am C D E Am