G#m F# E G#m
[Verse 1]
E There's a G#mlightning storm F#each and every night E
Crashing inG#mside you F#like motorbikes E
We G#mtoss and turn, F#sleep so loud E
Grind the G#mteeth in our F#empty mouths E
Our empty G#m
[Verse 2]
F# E There's a G#mforest fireF# burning bright E
Spreading G#mquickly towards F#our last rights E
NoG#mwhere to run, F#pointless to hide E
Just lay G#mthere and scream, preF#tending to try E
Pretending G#m
F# InEtending to burn,E pretending to fightG#m it
EF#veryone Elearns faster on G#mfire
ThingsF# took a Eturn, lost all deG#msire
You live F#and you Eburn
F# You Glive and you G#mburn
[Verse 3]
F# E G#m F# E This imG#mpending doom is F#left deep inside E
And it's G#mhaunting you F#each and every night E
Like G#mstarving wolves,F# counting sheep E
We G#mclose our eyes, preF#tending to sleep E
F# InEtending to burn,E pretending to fightG#m it
EF#veryone Elearns faster on G#mfire
ThingsF# took a Eturn, lost all deG#msire
You live F#and you Eburn
F# You Glive and..
Like G#mhell, we Bare anxiously waiEting F#
Like G#mhell burnBing silently Estrong F#
SomeG#mhow we Bfell down by the wayEside F#
And somehow this hell is F#home
As we Eburn, pretending to fightG#m it
EF#veryone Elearns faster on G#mfire
ThingsF# took a Eturn, lost all deG#msire
You live F#and you Eburn
F# You Glive and..
Like G#mhell, we Bare anxiously waiEting F#
Like G#mhell burnBing silently Estrong F#
SomeG#mhow we Bfell down by the wayEside F#
And someEhow this hell is home F#
Right Enow, this hell is myF# home