[Verse 1]
[Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Fbells of the crown C
Are being stolen by bandits
I must Ffollow the Csound.
The triangle tingles
And the Ftrumpets play slow. G
Am Em
[Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky is on Emfire
FAnd I must Cgo.
[Verse 2]
There's Cno need for anger
There's Fno need for blame. C
There's nothing to prove
EveryFthing's still the Csame.
Just a table standing empty
By the Fedge of the seaG means
Am Em
[Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky is trembEmling
FAnd I must Cleave.
[Verse 3]
The Cjack and the queen
Have forFsake the courtyard. C
Fiftytwo gypsies
Now Ffile past the Cguards
In the space where the deuce
And the aceF once ran wild G
Am Em
[Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky is falEmling
I'll Fsee you in a Cwhile.
[Verse 4]
See the Ccrosseyed pirates sitting
FPerched in the sun C
Shooting tin cans
With a Fsawedoff shotCgun.
And the neighbours they clap
And they Fcheer with each blast. G
Am Em
[Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky's changing Emcolor
And FI must leave Cfast
[Verse 5]
King CKong, little elves
On the Frooftops they Cdance
Valentinotype tangos
While the Fmakeup man's Chands
Shut the eyes of the dead
Not to emFbarrass anyone. G
Am Em
[But] [Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky's embarEmrassed
And FI must be Cgone.
[Verse 6]
The maCchine guns are roaring
The Fpuppets heave rocks C
And fiends nail time bombs
To the Fhands of the Cclocks.
Call me any name you like
I will Fnever deny Git,
Am Em
[But] [Farewell,] [Angelina]
The Amsky is eEmrupting
I must Fgo where it's Cquiet.