Am G F
[Verse 1]
Am Sometimes I wonGder where our liFves go
Am And question Gwho we used to bFe
Am Sometimes I feGel like I'm the oxyFgen between
Am The cigaGrette and gaFsoline
AmI can't sleFep cause Gwhat if I dream
Of going back to San DieAmgo
We bought a Fone way ticket
So Cwe can go see the CuGre
And listen to our Amfavorite songs in the Fparking lot
CAnd think of every person I Gever lost in San DiAm__eCgo
G Can't go back to San DiAm__eGgo
[Verse 2]
Am Abandoned hoGuses with the lights oFn
Am Late at niGght I call your naFme
Am Abandoned loGve songs smashed acFross the hardwood floors
Am I read the sadGness on your faFce
AmI can't sleFep cause Gwhat if I dream
Of going back to San DieAmgo
We bought a Fone way ticket
So Cwe can go see the CuGre
And listen to our Amfavorite songs in the Fparking lot
CAnd think of every person I Gever lost in San DiAm__eCgo
G Can't go back to San DiAm__eGgo
C I never needed to heAmar
All of the pain and the feGar
Your secrets filled up my eFars
Like the ocGean blCue
I never wanted to knAmow
How deep these cuts on you gGo
And like a river they flFow
To the oceGan bluAme
F C G Am
G Of going back to San AmDiego
We bought Fa one way ticket
CSo we can go see the GCure
And listen to Amour favorite songs in Fthe parking Clot
And think of every person GI ever lost in San AmDieFgo
Can't go back to San DiCego
G Can't go back to San DiAm__eFgo
Can't go back to San DiC_eGgo
Am G F Am