F#/A# B
[Verse 1]
F#/A#Say a Bprayer now
Db/FDon't be F#scared now
You F#/A#don't wantB trouble
Well Db/Fwe might F#geet some
F#/A#We mightB geet some
Db/FIt's trouF#blesome
But F#/A#don't youB worry
Db/FYou can F#help me
F#/A#KillingB Lies
Db/FKillingF# Lies
F#/A#KillingB Lies
Db/FKilliiF#ing Lies
F#/A# B Db/F F#
F#/A# B Db/F F#
[Verse 2]
F#/A#First you'reB worried
Db/FThen you're F#hurried
Don't F#/A#think that everything is gonnaB stay the same
Db/FThat's imF#possible
BeF#/A#fore IB let you go
Db/FLet meF# look at you
F#/A#Don't youB worry
Db/FYou willF# help me
F#/A#KillingB Lies
Db/FKillingF# Lies
F#/A#KillingB Lies
Db/FKilliiF#ing Lies
F#/A# Oh yes IB noticed you
Db/F You are a F#friend of miiine
F#/A# Oh yes IB noticed you
Db/F You are a F#friend of miiine
[Outro - Solo]
F#/A# B Db/F F#
F#/A# B Db/F F#